Introduction: Anti-ovarian antibody (AOA) is a group of auto-antibodies against ovarian antigens, include anti-oocyte plasma, oocyte membrane (zona pellucida), different parts of the ovary granulosa, theca interna and lutein follicular cells. Multiple causes for AOA formation, including chronic inflammation of the ovaries, laparoscopic abdominal surgery, the collection of oocytes for assisted reproductive techniques(ART) and also the presence of auto-antibodies against human heat-shock protein 90-?(anti-HSP90?) in the sera of infertile women. AOA disrupt the development and function of oocytes and result a decline in the fertilization rate. High level of AOA in women are usually observed after follicular puncture of unsuccessful in vitro fertilization(IVF) trials, endometriosis, other reproductive disorders such as adrenal failure, polyglandular autoimmune disorders, unexplained infertility and PCOS associated with antiovarian autoimmunity.